

La historia del ciempies

Muy feliz era el ciempiés,

hasta que un sapo una vez,

le pregunto:-¿Qué orden al andar siguen tus remos?

Lo cual forzó su mente a tal extremo

que a una zanja, distraído, fue a caer

mientras pensaba cómo hacer para correr.

Del camino del zen

Tres clases de personas

"Hay tres grupos de personas: los que hacen que las cosas pasen; los que miran las cosas que pasan y los que se preguntan qué pasó." - (Nicholas Murray Butler)

La Felicidad

La felicidad del hombre es la actividad del alma conforme a la razón.

No recuerdo quién lo dijo.


La vida y el póquer

La vida es como el poquer; al final no gana el que ha recibido mejores cartas sino el que las ha jugado mejor.

Sabia y antigua oración

Señor, dame paciencia para aceptar lo que no puedo cambiar,
valentía para cambiar lo que puedo cambiar
y sabiduría para distinguir una cosa de la otra.

Más, más, siempre más

Faithless - I want more

Hey friend your misery bewilders me
How come you're never satisfied or gratified
Four walls n' a roof, electricity,
Stable mind, wife and child,
Hot and cold water to run anytime.
But still you, whine.

I want more

A bum could rummage through ya bin
And live like a king
On just one crumb o'ya cake
N'ya say ya life needs fulfilling
Some would give anything to live like you
Shame your mind, don't shine
Like your possessions do.
Whining, complaining all the time,
Don't see no rain on you
What side your bread is buttered on
If only you knew

What d'ya mean
I want more


I was told as a child,
I wants never gets
Learned to count my blessings
Long before I saw an abacus
So what ya family don't speak
At least they're alive
Show me a man without guilt
Or a soul that ain't lied
You don't know what ya got
Open your eyes, look around
Really, hear me you,
Ain't got no reason to be down

What d'ya mean
I want more

Friend what is it that you seek
What is it that you try to find
Someday I hope you realized
It shined in you all the time.
Hills to climb, sights to see, seas to cross,
Friends to make, hands to shake, the world is yours,
Foods to taste, sounds to hear, love to feel,
Seeds to sow, things to know, fish to reel,
Space to quiz, stones to lift, life's a gift

What d'ya mean
I want more


What d'ya mean
I want more


una canción para entender

James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover
Did I disappoint you or let you down? 
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown? ’
Cause I saw the end before we’d begun, 
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won. 
So I took what’s mine by eternal right. 
Took your soul out into the night. 
It may be over but it won’t stop there, 
I am here for you if you’d only care. 
You touched my heart you touched my soul. 
You changed my life and all my goals. 
And love is blind and that I knew when, 
My heart was blinded by you. 
I’ve kissed your lips and held your head. 
Shared your dreams and shared your bed. 
I know you well, I know your smell. 
I’ve been addicted to you.  
Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. 
You have been the one. 
You have been the one for me.  
I am a dreamer but when I wake, 
You can’t break my spirit - it’s my dreams you take. 
And as you move on, remember me, 
Remember us and all we used to be 
I’ve seen you cry, I’ve seen you smile. 
I’ve watched you sleeping for a while. 
I’d be the father of your child. 
I’d spend a lifetime with you. 
I know your fears and you know mine. 
We’ve had our doubts but now we’re fine, 
And I love you, I swear that’s true. 
I cannot live without you.  
Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. 
You have been the one. You have been the one for me.  
And I still hold your hand in mine. In mine when I’m asleep. 
And I will bear my soul in time, When I’m kneeling at your feet. 
Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. 
You have been the one. You have been the one for me. 
I’m so hollow, baby, I’m so hollow. I’m so, I’m so, I’m so hollow. 

Quevedo lo dijo ya

Ayer se fue; mañana no ha llegado;
hoy se está yendo sin parar un punto;
soy un fue, y un será, y un es cansado

Una Mujer Desnuda y en lo oscuro

Mario Benedetti - Una Mujer Desnuda y En Lo Oscuro

Una mujer desnuda y en lo oscuro
tiene una claridad que nos alumbra
de modo que si ocurre un desconsuelo
un apagon o una noche sin luna
es conveniente y hasta imprescindible
tener a mano una mujer desnuda

una mujer desnuda y en lo oscuro
genera un resplandor que da confianza
entonces dominguea el almanaque
vibran en su rincon las telaranas
y los ojos felices y felinos
miran y de mirar nunca se cansan

una mujer desnuda y en lo oscuro
es una vocacion para las manos
para los labios es casi un destino
y para el corazon un despilfarro
una mujer desnuda es un enigma
y siempre es una fiesta descifrarlo

una mujer desnuda y en los oscuro
genera una luz propia y nos enciende
el cielo raso se convierte en cielo
y es una gloria no ser inocente
una mujer querida o vislumbrada
desbarata por una vez la muerte

Pablo Neruda - Me gustas cuando callas...

Me gustas cuando callas porque estas como ausente,
y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te toca.
Parece que los ojos se te hubieran volado
y parece qué un beso te cerrara la boca.

Como todas las cosas están llenas de mi alma
emerges de las cosas, llena del alma mía.
Mariposa de sueño, te pareces a mi alma,
y te pareces a la palabra melancolía.

Me gustas cuando callas y estás como distante.
Y estás como quejándote, mariposa en arrullo.
Y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te alcanza:
Déjame que me calle con el silencio tuyo.

Déjame que te hable también con tu silencio
claro como una lámpara, simple como un anillo.
Eres como la noche, callada y constelada.
Tu silencio es de estrella, tan lejano y sencillo.

Me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente.
Distante y dolorosa como si hubieras muerto.
Una palabra entonces, una sonrisa bastan.
Y estoy alegre, alegre de que no sea cierto.

Elegía a Ramón Sijé

Miguel Hernández

Yo quiero ser llorando el hortelano
de la tierra que ocupas y estercolas,
compañero del alma, tan temprano.
Alimentando lluvias, caracolas
y órganos mi dolor sin instrumento,
a las desalentadas amapolas
daré tu corazón por alimento.
Tanto dolor se agrupa en mi costado,
que por doler me duele hasta el aliento.
Un manotazo duro, un golpe helado,
un hachazo invisible y homicida,
un empujón brutal te ha derribado.
No hay extensión más grande que mi herida,
lloro mi desventura y sus conjuntos
y siento más tu muerte que mi vida.
Ando sobre rastrojos de difuntos,
y sin calor de nadie y sin consuelo
voy de mi corazón a mis asuntos.
Temprano levantó la muerte el vuelo,
temprano madrugó la madrugada,
temprano estás rodando por el suelo.
No perdono a la muerte enamorada,
no perdono a la vida desatenta,
no perdono a la tierra ni a la nada.
En mis manos levanto una tormenta
de piedras, rayos y hachas estridentes
sedienta de catástrofes y hambrienta.
Quiero escarbar la tierra con los dientes,
quiero apartar la tierra parte a parte
a dentelladas secas y calientes.
Quiero minar la tierra hasta encontrarte
y besarte la noble calavera
y desamordazarte y regresarte.
Volverás a mi huerto y a mi higuera:
por los altos andamios de las flores
pajareará tu alma colmenera
de angelicales ceras y labores.
Volverás al arrullo de las rejas
de los enamorados labradores.
Alegrarás la sombra de mis cejas,
y tu sangre se irán a cada lado
disputando tu novia y las abejas.
Tu corazón, ya terciopelo ajado,
llama a un campo de almendras espumosas
mi avariciosa voz de enamorado.
A las aladas almas de las rosas
del almendro de nata te requiero,
que tenemos que hablar de muchas cosas,
compañero del alma, compañero.


"El mundo es un lugar muy grande lleno de personas muy pequeñas"

Y tu que le dirías?

Quién pudiera hablar con su crador.

Blade Runner

Tyrell: Me sorprende que no hayas venido antes.
Roy: No es cosa fácil conocer a tu creador.
Tyrell: ¿Y qué puedo hacer yo por ti?
Roy: ¿Puede el creador reparar lo que ha hecho?
Tyrell: ¿Te gustaría ser modificado?
Roy: ¿Y quedarme aquí? [ pausa ] Pensaba en algo más radical.
Tyrell: ¿Qué? .... ¿Qué es lo que te preocupa?
Roy: La muerte.
Tyrell: ¿La muerte? Me temo que eso está fuera de mi jurisdicción, tú ....
Roy: Yo quiero vivir más, padre.
Tyrell: La vida es así. Hacer una alteración en el desarrollo de un sistema orgánico de vida es fatal. Un programa codificado no puede ser revisado una vez establecido.
Roy: ¿Por qué no?
Tyrell: Porque al segundo día de incubación, cualquier célula que ha sido sometida a mutaciones de reversión alcanza unas pautas de retroceso, como las ratas que abandonan el barco, que va a hundirse, y luego el barco se hunde.
Roy: ¿Qué hay de la recombinación EMS?
Tyrell: Ya lo hemos intentado. El Etil Metano Sulfato es un agente alcalino y un poderoso mutante. Creaba un virus, tan letal que el individuo moría antes de que acabara la operación.
Roy: Entonces una proteína represora que bloquee las células operantes ....
Tyrell: No impediría la duplicación, pero eso llevaría a un error en la réplica que hace que la recién formada DNA lleve consigo una mutación. Y así llegamos de nuevo al virus. Pero, esto solo es teoría. Tú fuiste formado lo más perfectamente posible.
Roy: Pero no para durar.
Tyrell: La luz que brilla con el doble de intensidad dura la mitad de tiempo. Y tú has brillado con muchísima intensidad, Roy. Mírate, eres el hijo pródigo. Eres todo un premio.
Roy: He hecho cosas malas.
Tyrell: Y también cosas extraordinarias. Goza de tu tiempo.
Roy: No haré nada por lo que el dios de la biomecánica me impida la entrada en su cielo.
[ Roy besa a Tyrell en la boca. Toma su cabeza entre sus manos, aplasta su cráneo y hunde los pulgares en sus ojos ]

Roy Batty

Roy Batty I've seen thing you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I whatched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhausser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time; like tears in the rain.

Time to die.

Separate lives - Phill Collins

Por motivos evidentes a aquellos que me conozcan y deducibles para los que no, acabo de escuchar esta canción una vez más y me ha gustado la letra.
Separarse es bien jodido Phill, tienes razón. Es curioso que difíciles son a veces las cosas; con lo fáciles que parecen.

You called me from the room in your hotel
All full of romance for someone that you met
And telling me how sorry you were, leaving so soon
And that you miss me sometimes when you’re alone in your room
Do I feel lonely too?

You have no right to ask me how I feel
You have no right to speak to me so kind
We can’t go on just holding on to time
Now that we’re living separate lives

Well I held on to let you go
And if you lost your love for me, well you never let it show
There was no way to compromise
So now we’re living (living)
Separate lives

Ooh, it’s so typical, love leads to isolation
So you build that wall (build that wall)
Yes, you build that wall (build that wall)
And you make it stronger

Well you have no right to ask me how I feel
You have no right to speak to me so kind
Some day I might (I might) find myself looking in your eyes
But for now, we’ll go on living separate lives
Yes for now, we’ll go on living separate lives
Separate lives

What it takes - Aerosmith

What it takes - Aerosmith Otro pedazo de canción. Oscar, mi único lector, perdona el uso algo onanista que estoy haciendo del weblog pero como sé que básicamente lo leo sólo yo, pues estoy poniendo esas canciones,... Tú ya me entiendes. Si algún despistado pasa por aquí y sabe inglés, sabrás apreciar las letras. Con música aún mejor. Puedes filtrar por tema porque cancionero consiste básicamente en letras de canciones que me gustan.

What It Takes

there goes my old girlfriend
well there's another diamond ring
and all those late night promises
I guess they don't mean a thing

so baby what's the story
did you find another man
is it easy to sleep in the bed that we made
when you don't look back I guess the feelings start to fade away

I used to feel your fire
but now it's cold inside
and you're back on the street
like you didn't miss a beat, yeah

tell me what it takes to let you go
tell me how the pain's supposed to go
tell me how it is that you can sleep in the night
without thinking you lost everything that was good
in your life to the toss of the dice
tell me what it takes to let you go

girl before I met you
I was F.I.N.E. fine
but your love made me a prisoner
yeah my heart's been doin' time

spent me up like money
well then you hung me out to dry
it was easy to keep all your lies in disguise
'cause you had me deep with the devil in your eyes

tell me that you're happy that you're on your own
tell me that it's better when you're all alone
tell me that your body doesn't miss my touch
tell me that my lovin' didn't mean that much
tell me you ain't dyin' when you're cryin' for me

tell me who's to blame for thinking twice (no no no no)
'cause i don't wanna burn in paradise

(let it go let it go ... )

Hole in my Soul - Aerosmith

Hole in my Soul - Aerosmith

Hole In My Soul
(Tyler, Perry, Child)

I'm down a one way street
With a one night stand
With a one track mind
Out in no man's land
(The punishment sometimes don't seem to fit the crime)

Yeah there's a hole in my soul
But one thing I've learned
For every love letter written
There's another one burned
(So you tell me how it's gonna be this time)

Is it over
Is it over
‘Cause I'm blowin' out the flame

Take a walk outside your mind
Tell me how it feels to be
The one who turns the knife inside of me
Take a look and you will find there's nothing there girl
Yeah I swear, I'm telling you girl yeah 'cause
There's a hole in my soul that's been killing me forever
It's a place where a garden never grows
There's a hole in my soul, yeah I should have known better
'Cause your love's like a thorn without a rose

I'm as dry as a seven year drought
I got dust for tears
And I'm all tapped out
(Sometimes I feel broke and can't get fixed)

I know there's been all kinds of shoes underneath your bed
Now I sleep with my boots on but you're still in my head
(And something tells me this time I'm down to my last licks)
Cause if it's over
Then it's over
And it's driving me insane

Take a walk outside your mind
Tell me how it feels to be
The one who turns the knife inside of me
Take a look and you will find
There’s nothing there girl yeah I swear
I’m telling you girl, yeah,
‘Cause there’s a hole in my soul
That’s been killing me forever
It’s a place where a garden never grows
There’s a hole in my soul
Yeah, I should have known better
‘Cause your love’s like a thorn
Without a rose

Is it over
Yeah it’s over
And I’m blowin’ out the flame

Take a walk outside your mind
Tell me how it feels to be
The one who turns the knife inside of me
Take a look and you will find
There’s nothing there girl yeah I swear
I’m telling you girl, yeah,
‘Cause there’s a hole in my soul
That’s been killing me forever
It’s a place where a garden never grows
There’s a hole in my soul
Yeah, I should have known better
‘Cause your love’s like a thorn
Without a rose


Honestly Otro pedazo de canción. La letra es un pedazo de alma y se nota:

The beauty that you gave
Has turned upon itself
And all the things you said
Evaporated ...
Was I blind
Deaf and dumb
To the words slipped from yur tongue?

Honestly ... honestly ... honestly
Alone in my bed
The things that you said
Go round in my head ... still
It seems to be true
That nothin' I do
Can influence you ...

I tried and tried again
(Don't you know I tried and tried again
to make you listen to me
But everything I said it always seemed to go right through you)
To make you notice me
(I turned myself into a person that I didn't like
But please believe me when I say I know it wasn't right)
But talking to myself
(I never thought that things would
get to be so complicated
I never thought that you and me would end up o frustrated)
Won't catch you attention I see ...
(You'd think that something had to come from all those good intentions
But in the end I needed something more than intervention)

Was I mad?
Was I ... mad?
Foolish me
Foolish ... me
To succumb so easily
To suc...cumb
So easily
So easily

Honestly... honestly... honestly...
(Alone in my bed
The things that you said
Go round in my head ... still
It seems to be true
That nothin' I do
Can influence you... still)

Fools like me get so easily taken
And fools like me can be so mistaken

Honestly... Honestly... Honestly

The promise that you gave
(Don't you know the promise that you
gave just turned it's back upon me
I stopped believing but you couldn't take the whole thing from me)
Has turned it's back
(I never thought I'd have to pay the price to set you free)
And all you represented
Was just my projection you see...
(You know I never thought I'd ever
live a day without you
And that's the reason why
it makes me sad to think about you
and you know I never thought
I'd make it if you wasn't there
And now I'm tryin' to eject myself
from this despair)

People come
People go...
Never say I "told you so"

Everything I know you said
Goin' round inside my head

Never thought I'd see the day
Always got a price to pay

Nothin' that I ever do
Ever seems to get to you

Mass Destruction

Mass Destruction Faithless - Mass Destruction
My dad came into my room holding his hat
I knew he was leaving,
he sat on my bed told me some facts, son.
I have a duty, calling on me
You and your sister be brave my little soldier
And don't forget all I told ya
Your the mister of the house now remember this
And when you wake up in the morning give ya momma a kiss
Then I had to say goodbye

In the morning woke momma with a kiss on each eyelid,
Even though I'm only a kid
Certain things can't be hid
Momma grabbed me
Held me like I was made of gold
But left her inner stories untold
I said, momma it will be alright
When daddy comes home, tonight


Whether long range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether you're soar away sun or BBC 1
Disinformation is a weapon of mass destruc
You could a Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether Halliburton or Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction)

The skin under my chin
is exploding, again.
I'm getting stress from some other children.
I'm holding it in, we taking sides, like a politian
an if I get friction we get to fightin.
I defend my dad he's the best of all men
an whatever he's doin he's doin the right thing.
Its frightenin but it makes me mad, why do all
of these people seem to hate my dad?
an if that ain't enough, now I've got these spots.
I go to sleep every night with my stomach in knots.
and whats more I can hear Mama next door
explore the radio for reports of war.
and all we ever seem to do is hide the tears,
seems Daddy been gone for years.
But he was right, now I'm geared up for the fight
an he would be proud of me if Daddy came home tonight.


My story stops here, lets be clear
This scenario is happening everywhere
And you ain't going to nirvana or farvana
You're coming right back here to live out your karma
With even more drama than previously, seriously
Just how many centuries have we been
waiting for someone else to make us free
And we refuse to see
That people overseas suffer just like we
Bad leadership and ego's unfettered and free
Who feed on the people they're supposed to lead
I don't need good people to pray and wait
For the lord to make it all straight
There's only now, do it right.
Cos I don't want your daddy, leaving home tonight


A Thousand Beautiful Things

Bare: Un CD muy, pero que muy recomendable.

Every day I write the list
Of reasons why I still believe they do exist
(a thousand beautiful things)
And even though it's hard to see
The glass is full and not half empty
(a thousand beautiful things)
So... light me up like the sun
To cool down with your rain
I never want to close my eyes again
Never close my eyes
Never close my eyes

I thank you for the air to breathe
The heart to beat
The eyes to see again
(a thousand beautiful things)
And all the things that's been and done
The battle's won
The good and bad in everyone
(this is mine to remember)
So ...
Here I go again
Singin' by your window
Pickin' up the pieces of what's left to find

The world was meant for you and me
To figure out our destiny
(a thousand beautiful things)
To live
To die
To breathe
To sleep
To try to make your life complete
(yes yes)
So ...
Light me up like the sun
To cool down with your rain
I never want to close my eyes again
Never close my eyes
never close my eyes ...
That is everything I have to say
(that's all I have to say)